Today, we constantly rediscover the power of Six Sigma and Lean in almost every industry – from service industries to software development, from mass production to customisation, to MNCs to SMEs.

The explosion of mass production in the early 90s developed the roots of Six Sigma. The official Six Sigma system was launched in the 1980s as a method that allowed process analysis and improvement with the goal to reduce variability. After World war II, Japanese engineers embraced and further built upon these statistical methods to create the basis for what we call Lean Manufacturing today. Lean considers not only the data but also the management philosophy too. Here, there is a focus on the value chain and creating an environment where waste is unacceptable and should be eliminated. By driving continuous improvement with active involvement and responsibility of all employees, Lean drives to achieve perfect quality. Marketing training courses in Six Sigma is one way to learn these fundamentals.
Six Sigma and Lean’s secrets are broad and far-reaching. They impact the three main areas of an organisation, and those secrets are mentioned below. These connect the customer’s value with a company’s strategy and link them to process-based flows and with motivated, trained employees.
1. Focus on Customer Value:
Emphasising more on customer value will help deliver better products and have delighted customers. Six Sigma and Lean essentials what the customer sees as value. Defining what the customer expects should be the first step when designing a product which meets or exceeds a customer’s expectations. These definitions should include what features will differentiate your product and what will delight your customer. More focus on customer value help create better products, improve your market share and get loyal customers. Understanding these expectations gives us a point to begin to cut down on waste – anything that does not add to customer value.
2. Process Mindset:
A process is a sequence of steps with clearly defined inputs which utilises resources and time and produces a defined output. A process view can be taken at any level of a company with any level of detail. Well-defined processes allow for clear measurement of process and its performance. With this information, the organisation can prioritise its efforts to achieve its goals and improve focus and track its internal efforts towards these goals. The process mindset challenges the process cycle times and can be extended into the supplier base to reach up the supply chain to achieve higher performance.
3. Company Motivation:
One of the keys to the success of Lean is the involvement of employees. Understanding the process flow cannot happen from a distant office; rather, it must be walked, examined with the involvement of those who perform the process daily. Those should be involved whose ideas for improvement can have a significant impact. This level of involvement and responsibility from everyone in the company can result in company-wide motivation and increased productivity. Here, all the members of the team are working towards the same goal with a chance to learn and develop their skills.
Management course on Six Sigma from LBTC aims to help you and your team learn the fundamentals of these methodologies. Enrol today!
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