Working better is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in his or her job. Good work habits increase your productivity and job satisfaction. It as well assists you have better relationships with coworkers and your boss.
I guess this post can help you know good work habits for you and your team to increase productivity at work.
1) Make a list of “crucial results” for the day:
Crucial results are nothing but a list of goals that need to be accomplished during your day to move your projects and objectives forward. Make a spreadsheet listing your top 3 crucial for each day. This will help you plan every day and ensure you are maintaining focus on the most important tasks each day.
2) Prioritize your most important tasks first:
So how can you do that? Ensure there is a set agenda and goal for each work. There is no work without any goal and agenda. Also respect participants’ time! No work should be delayed and done for longer hours unnecessarily. If you end it early before the given time but effectively, that’s cool. But don’t run late.
3) Put your phone away or on silent while at work:
Corresponding through social media, making phone calls and emailing, text messages, ranks as the 4th biggest workplace distraction behind bathroom breaks, food, and talking with coworkers.
Have you ever been into a situation where you are entirely focused on the task at hand when your phone buzzes or beeps and gets you sidetracked? I think almost everyone has experienced that.
You can remove the distractions by silencing your phone, exiting out of chat applications and closing the inbox before you begin any crucial task where complete focus is necessary. The best way is to simply keep the phone away or put it in your pocket because the more your eyes sees it, the more you get distracted.
4) Keep personal problems out of the workplace:
Beware of talking too much about your own issues. What you tell your coworkers could influence their and your boss’s perception about your ability to do your work. This could make you the subject of workplace gossip.
5) Listen to understand, not react:
When someone is telling you something, listen carefully. Do not think about how you are going to respond, but rather than, try to absorb what the person is telling you. You can ask questions later.
6) Always Proofread your work:
Proofreading your work may take a little longer to look over your work, but it will help you catch your errors before someone else does.
7) Stop procrastinating:
Rescheduling your work, even a project you dread, won’t make it go away. You might also get it over with.
So if you have procrastinated an afternoon away, reboot your productivity by accepting what you have done, and move forward with renewed willpower. Apart from these suggestions, you can also opt for human resource management training. Do you have any other tips to increase productivity at work? Let us know your tips and tricks on how to get better in work in the comments below.
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