There will always be a question looming, how to manage your studies while you are in training? Every moment spent studying is crucial. No matter what you are training for – secretary courses to business analysis – there will always be this question of study management.
When it comes to studies, everyone has their own method. Some study every day, while some try to scram every detail at the last minute. No matter which category you are in, studying will get you ahead in life.
The rules for effective studying are boundless. However, having a structured method can be useful, though. Follow these methods to manage your studies during training effectively:
1. Create a schedule:
Whenever you are training, make sure you fit studies into your schedule. Scheduling manages your time appropriately and therefore; you will be able to fit your studies along with your training
2. Know what you are reading
Understand what you are trying to learn. Blankly reading will be a waste of time, and the time allocated for your studies will not be used effectively. So, it is crucial to learn and understand what you are trying to learn.
3. Know yourself:
Before you jump into your studies, make sure to learn about yourself. What will be the best time to study? How much time should I allocate for it? These are some questions you should answer before you begin your studies. This helps you structure your studies effectively.
4. Summarise in your own words:
It would help if you summarised whatever you study. But sometimes, it becomes difficult to understand what you are trying to learn, and so you resort to just remembering it. The best way to learn is to summarise whatever you have learned in your own words. This makes studying easier and far more effective.
5. Don’t cram:
Cramming is a waste of time. You will only be able to remember temporarily what you have learned through cramming. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what you are trying to learn. Cramming doesn’t help, but understanding does.
6. Study smart, not hard:
If you can come up with techniques to make studying fun, easy and effective, then you will be able to manage your studies quite easily. Studying hard can take you far, but studying smart can take you the farthest!
7. Learn from your mistakes:
Everyone makes mistakes! And that’s okay because it is a learning opportunity. Learn from your mistakes so that you do not repeat it again in the future. Every mistake is a stepping stone to success.
8. Revise frequently:
The more the times your revise, the more effective will be your learning. Revision helps concrete whatever you have learnt. Frequently revise through notes and reading to get a better understanding of what you have learnt.
It is possible to manage your studies and training together. However, you should have the grit and determination to learn to make your studying time effective. When you choose to train with LBTC, you get an option of bespoke training, where you customise a training schedule as per your convenience. To learn more about such courses, feel free to visit our website or give us a call!
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-Your preferred course duration
-Your estimated budget for this training course
-Your preferred medium of training (face-to-face in London; or online)
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