When it comes to employee engagement, there are three main areas of focus: job satisfaction, employee development, and the quality of work that employees produce. All three of these factors directly affect your organisation’s success, but they don’t have to be hard to achieve – you just need to find the right tools to help you along the way.
What is CRM?
Customer relationship management (CRM) is an umbrella term for computer programs designed to manage interactions between businesses and customers. A CRM system can help you organise, store, and track customer information in one place. At its most basic level, it’s basically a database that lets you keep detailed notes on all your clients.
Implementing a CRM System
Companies like to talk about how they listen to and implement customer feedback, but in reality, few organisations have a system for capturing and responding quickly to customer requests. Fortunately, implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system is no longer expensive. The rise of cloud-based software has made it easy for companies big and small to launch scalable CRM systems at affordable prices. Many of these platforms are specifically designed to increase employee engagement by allowing employees (and even customers) to interact more closely with one another.
Think Bigger than Email
The old-school approach to employee engagement is via email, but consider implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system instead. HR departments can use these systems to keep track of all interactions employees have with customers, no matter how small or large. This holistic view of what’s going on in their business—not just in regards to sales and service, but also attendance and training schedules—provides invaluable insight into what’s working and not working.
Get everyone on board
If you have more than a few people on your team, make sure to include them in all steps of the process, so they know what to expect, and their needs are met. This will ensure that your implementation is successful from start to finish. Don’t skimp on communication, or you could end up with unhappy employees and a failed project.
Keep your CRM up to date
It can feel a little fruitless when you’re trying to be more engaged at work but don’t have any way of actually tracking that engagement. If your employees aren’t using their customer relationship management (CRM) system to track engagement, they may as well not bother. Make sure your team is actively using their tools by getting them excited about how they can make positive changes in their departments and roles using data-driven decision making.
Give Everyone Access
When you’re implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system, every employee in your company should have access to it. A CRM system allows you to create a customer information database, which is great for finding out who your best customers are and how well you’re servicing them. When all employees can log in and view these details, they can better understand their roles in the process. For example, they can see who made each sale or converted a lead into a client.
So, implementing a CRM system can significantly boost an employee’s performance and engagement with the organisation. If you are looking for ways to implement CRM into your system, try CRM training from LBTC to get a better start.
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